The 2016 Neepawa Natives Cash Draw was held on Thursday, Mar. 3, during the team’s annual year end banquet. This year was the most successful cash draw in franchise history, as every ticket printed for the draw was sold. Here is the list of this year’s winners.
Draw 1-10 for $500: Joanne and Jim Pollock of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #590 Laurel Sexsmith of Hepburn, SK. Ticket #231 Aleki Tomoniko of Franklin, MB. Ticket #92 Robert Sanderson of Holland, MB. Ticket #746 Joe Gutenberg of Brandon, MB. Ticket #784 Dave McIntosh and Cam Tibbett of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #171 Lionel Lepla of Winnipeg, MB. Ticket #757 John and Gerry Nelson of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #326 Jim Millan of Killarney, MB. Ticket #473 Don Schmall of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #725 Draw 11-15 for $1,000: Darlene, Neil and Warren Gillies of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #604 Val Vandenberghe of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #201 Blair and Sonia Hasiuk of Brandon, MB. Ticket #613 Joanne and Jim Pollock of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #589 John W. Innes of Waskada, MB. TIcket #616 Draw 16 for $15,000: Garth and Gail White & family of Neepawa, MB. Ticket #546 50/50 Draw for $9,300: Mark Moffatt and Beth Adriaansen of Wellwood, MB. Ticket #538 The Neepawa Natives would like to thank everyone who participated in the draw by purchasing a ticket. The team would also like to acknowledge that hard work of all the players and volunteers who put in many hours to make this year’s Cash Draw a huge success.